Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 20 - April 24

This week I'll be spending  a large portion of my time traveling to other classrooms to help with projects they are working on while the library is being used for Badger testing.

Mr. Chitwood math class will be creating Smore online flyers that correlates with Chapter 10 of their textbook.  They will be gathering videos, pictures, drawings, and information to make the chapter come alive and to better understand their topics.

Mrs. Murphy's class will be using either Prezi or Google Slides to work on a summative assessment for Spanish. Students will also learn about the Easy Bib add-on to make creating citations much more simplistic for them.

Mrs. Honn's class will be Animoto this week to create a short tourism commercial about a country. I'm looking forward to the time I get to spend in the classrooms this week.

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