Friday, December 5, 2014

Mystery Skype with Yellowstone

This week Mrs. Grau's world geography class and I did a mystery skype together.  This was awesome! A mystery skype is when one class skypes with another class or person and they try to figure out where they are located in the world.  We explained to the students how the process would work and then did a practice run.

We had a greeter and closer as well as students to ask questions and keep track of questions.  All students took part by putting their questions into a google form.  The students were prepared and ready.  The students came up with excellent questions to narrow down where we were skyping too, and quickly we found out it was Yellowstone National Park.

After the students guessed correctly, Ranger Allie shared information about Yellowstone, everything from the super-volcano to how Yellowstone became the United States first national park, to the animal life.  Not only was the class able to use their geography skills to find Ranger Allie, but they went on a virtual field trip as well!  Mrs. Grau has two more mystery skypes set up for this month, we'll let you know where we go!

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