Friday, December 18, 2015

December 14 - December 18

Mrs. Grau's social studies class have been in the library this week doing research using our database CultureGrams to gather information and images about a specific state.  Students will then take the information they gather and create a presentation for their fellow classmates using either Google Slides or Powerpoint.  Student were instructed in how to use Noodle Tools for their citations as they work on their project.

Ms. Poz's class finished up the week having her students view presentations that students made on Native American tribes and completing an acrostic with information gathered from the presentations.

The Winter Around the World project was compiled and completed.  Mr. Weiler's art classes completed paintings to include in this collaborative book that showcases work not only from classes in the United States, but from the China, Australia, United Kingdom, and Dubai.  Art work by our PVMS students starts on page 99, but check out the work by all the student, it's pretty incredible.

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