Monday, October 5, 2015

September 28 - October 2

It's homecoming week so that means Park View starts up spirit points!  Students came in Monday with their Packer wear, Tuesday they were superheros, On Wednesday yellow was everyone to showcase our character theme of respect, Thursday was the always fun neon, and Friday ended with super blue and gold for our rooftop pictures.

Monday students from House 7A were in the library and were able to visit with the Germany students that were in town visiting.  They learned about different cultural aspects of Germany by meeting with the students in small groups.  The students learned a great deal and had a blast.

Ms. Horne's classes visited the library on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Students were working on their poetry using the app Haiku Deck to create beautiful presentations.  They also began doing research on Cambodia to help the understand the background of the book The Clay Marble which they'll begin reading next week.  Students used CultureGrams, WebPath Express, and Encyclopedia Britannica to help them research.

Thursday Mrs. Capen's students from Academic Support came in the library.  They received an in-depth tour, searched for books, learned about the databases available for research, and got any question they had about the library answered.

Friday I went and visited Mrs. Serkowski's classes in her classroom.  Our focus was e-mail.  Making sure students could send an e-mail with an attachment and understand what CC and BC mean, the difference between reply and replay all.  Students left with a better understand of how e-mail works and when they should use e-mail.

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