This week Ms. Poz's classes came in library to finish up their Country projects. It was amazing to see the creative ideas the students incorporated into their projects, and they did a great job working together.
Mrs. Murphy's Spanish class worked on creating an acrostic using their name and words that describe them in Spanish using Google Docs and Google Drawings. This was a great chance to install the Add-on Open Clip Art as well as discuss when it's beneficial to use a drawing in your document. The students found out that the drawing tool saved them a great deal of frustration! Some great examples of this project are below:
Español Example One
Español Example Two
Wednesday and Thursday I spent working with Mrs. Honn's class doing a Mysery Vox with another 7th grade class from an unknown location. The students from both classes asked questions to try and figure out the location of the other. I was impressed with the mental mapping and deduction skills used by the House 7C students. We were able to figure out their location early on Thursday, it was San Jose, California! They figure our location out shortly after we did, so we then shared information about our cities and were able to ask and answer questions together. A big thank you to Ms. Kirwin's class in California!
Friday we had some visitors from the fifth grade classes at Clarendon. They presented their speeches on Famous American. They did a great job and our students had fun learning from them. Since it's the day before Halloween students were able to dress up. It was fun to see the creative students.