Thursday, April 30, 2015

European Commercial's

The European commercials that House 7C completed turned out really incredible.  The students had a fun time learning about the countries as well as using Animoto to complete their projects.  Take a look at a few great examples below.

Spain Example

Czech Republic Example

Iceland Example

France Example

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 27 - May 1

It's a busy week in the library and with technology use in the classroom.  Students across a variety of contents are working on some great projects.

Animoto video projects are underway in Mrs. Honn's World Geography class.  Students are creating incredible "commercials" on a European country to share with their classmates.  I'm amazed at the creativity the students have shown with their projects.

Mrs. Grau's World Geography class will be creating QR codes that will showcase the African country they are learning more about.  Students have been working on creating a Google Document with where they will include information about their country.  We will then use QR stuff to create the QR code so that others can view their information.

Lastly, Mrs. Arenz's STEM class will be hangout out with New Glarus Elementary School.  The STEM students have created pull toys which they will share with the elementary students via Google Hangouts on Friday.  The elementary students will decide which group of STEM student created the best pull toy.

To finish the week, Mr. Chitwood's 8th grade math students will get their introduction to Smore so that they can create online flyers on Chapter 10 as was done last week with the 7th grade group.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Digital Citizenship Thinglink Projects

The Communications students Thinglink projects on digital citizenship turned out fantastic.  The students amazed me with the concentration and hard work they put into this project and the end results gave us all new information.  A few student examples are below.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 20 - April 24

This week I'll be spending  a large portion of my time traveling to other classrooms to help with projects they are working on while the library is being used for Badger testing.

Mr. Chitwood math class will be creating Smore online flyers that correlates with Chapter 10 of their textbook.  They will be gathering videos, pictures, drawings, and information to make the chapter come alive and to better understand their topics.

Mrs. Murphy's class will be using either Prezi or Google Slides to work on a summative assessment for Spanish. Students will also learn about the Easy Bib add-on to make creating citations much more simplistic for them.

Mrs. Honn's class will be Animoto this week to create a short tourism commercial about a country. I'm looking forward to the time I get to spend in the classrooms this week.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Global Read Aloud 2015

I can't tell you how excited I am at the announcement of the Global Read Aloud books for the 2015-2016 school year.  I have been waiting with great anticipation to see what books would be chosen for next year so I can get my planning started on reading some of these great books with students.

If you're interested in the Global Read Aloud take a look at the website that includes information on all of the chosen books.

Since I'm in a middle school the categories that I focused on were the younger middle school and upper middle school categories, therefore the books that I get to look forward to sharing with students are:

Fish in a Tree by Linda Mullaly Hunt     

Fish by L. S. Matthews

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 13 - April 17th

Mrs. Leanna and her Communications students were in the library finishing their projects on Digital Citizenship and they are turning out fabulous.  The students used Google Classroom to submit all of their projects and peer reviews.  We really enjoyed using Google Classroom and plan on using it in the future.

Mrs. Somers' students have continued their blogging on the book Wonder with students from New Glarus.  It's been great reading about their thoughts on the book and sharing ours.

This week is also the start of Badger testing for students, so the library will be full of test takers they showing off their excellent math skills.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April is National Poetry Month

To help celebrate National Poetry Month we have placed books that have spine poetry.  We've started this out and hope that the students create their own spine poetry.  It's addicting once you get started.