Friday, September 30, 2016

The last week of September

Wow!  It's hard to believe that September is almost over.  The students are all acclimated to the middle school.  This week was a great week of research as well as helping students find books.  Mr. Pratt's students came in to find realistic fiction novels to read.  It was great having the chance to tell the students about some of the excellent books we have in our library. It was even more fun helping them pick out a book that spoke to them.  I can't wait to hear what they have to say about the books after their done reading them and I look forward to helping them pick out new books next month.

Ms. Horne was in with her students working on researching the country of Cambodia.  The students were introduced to the different databases that Park View has available to them. We also discusses search terms and ways to help themselves be successful when searching for information.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Homecoming Week

Homecoming week is always exciting in the middle school.  Students and staff dressed up for some fun spirit days.  Our annual super blue and gold picture was the rain for 8th graders and rescheduled for 7th graders, but the spirit is running through the building no matter what the weather.

This week Mrs. Kelly's students were in the library throughout the week using MovieMaker to complete movies that tied in with their Where I'm From poems.  It was awesome seeing the hard work student put forth in their movies and the poems they wrote were exceptional.

I also saw Mr. Rixmann's WLEX students who came in to check out books for their reports on German topics.  A great variety was chosen, such as: the Berlin Wall, dachshunds, biographies, World War II, and porsche.  I visited Mrs. Schriendl's science class for two days.  One was discussion our Acceptable Use Policy, the other was helping sign students up for Twitter and setting their security for Twitter.  Mr. Pollnow's class rounded out the week where the Acceptable Use Policy was reviewed.  All students, with the exception of absences, at PVMS have reviewed our AUP form and are aware of the expectation we have in our building when they are using school technology or technology they bring in to school.

Friday, September 16, 2016

September is Moving Along!

This week I had the opportunity to work with our 8C House, 8A House, 7C House, and 7B House.  We reviewed the school district's Acceptable Use Policy and made sure the students understand the expectation the school has when they are using district technology or their own technology within our building.  This was an excellent review for our students and a great reminder to read the agreements that we sign.

Mrs. Kelly's language arts students came in throughout the week as well.  They were working on scanning pictures for a movie they are creating.  Scanning is something not many of our students were familiar with, so this gave them a great opportunity to learn a new skill.

My favorite part of the week was all of the students that came in to check out books.  It was great seeing the students asking each other as well as myself about the books they have read and what they recommend.

Our display of all of the 7th graders favorite books is down and located in the library for all to come view.  As the title says, "Books Make Life Sweet."

Monday, September 12, 2016

The 2016-2017 School Year has Begun!

The beginning of the school year, a time of excitement, new opportunities, and learning; not only for students but for staff members as well.  This summer I had the chance to read many amazing books, especially some of the books off of the Battle of the Books list. I also had time to explore new technologies, listen to podcast, be part of educational twitter chats, and work on new curriculum, all of which will help me help the students and staff in the building.

This week all 7th grade students came to visit the library technology center to learn the expectations of the library, make sure all students were able to log into the various tools online that they will use throughout the school year. All the 7th graders recommended a book that they loved reading which will be part of a library display. It's been great meeting all the new 7th graders.  I'm impressed with their manners, enthusiasm, and interest.